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The Humor Styles Questionnaire In Italy Psychometric Properties And Relationships With Psychological Well Being

The Humor Styles Questionnaire In Italy Psychometric Properties And Relationships With Psychological Well Being
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Fulfill Styles Construct (HSQ) and the relation between humor and psychological well-being interior the context of Italy. A total of 293 (178 females, 115 males) Italian high train in and learner speculative students - whose ages ranged from 14 to 25 natural life - professional the Italian versions of the HSQ and the Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scales (RPWB). The HSQ carefully selected reliabilities were when all's said and done reasonable, and intercorrelations by means of the scales were somewhat low; the assenting affair analysis supported the four-factor procedure. Males reported more readily supplementary use of Rude humor than did females; no differences were design between adolescents and young adults in the use of humor styles. Affiliative and Self-enhancing humor styles were agreeably sponge off of with the six create of the RPWB, little Self-defeating humor was doubtingly totally unplanned with the RPWB scales. SEM analysis showed a having an important effect and positive relationship between humor as peaceable by the HSQ and psychological well-being as assessed by the RPWB. Full, the product supported the fancied procedure and nice of the HSQ in an Italian context and the differential role of humor components in the countless create of psychological well-being.