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Psephology Confidence Building Is On The Other Hand

Psephology Confidence Building Is On The Other Hand
Confidence is not something you either have or lack. Even for the most self-assured people it comes and goes with successes and failures, sometimes making them feel ten feet tall and at other times making them painfully aware of their shortcomings. However for some people the lows do not last long, whereas for others it is difficult to ever get out of them. Confidence building is naturally geared towards the latter group; as compared to the former they need all the help they can get to start feeling better about themselves.

Yet in this day and age acceptance of diversity is widely preached. If people truly are equals, should not the unconfident be appreciated for who they are instead of being recommended to change toward the example set by the opposite group?

The reasons for why they should not are many indeed, and most of them lie well within the interests of the individual. First of all confidence happens to come with traits that are admired by others. These are among other things speaking clearly, assuredly or assertively, holding one's head high, seeking eye contact with conversation partners or willingly and truthfully admitting mistakes or gaps in one's competences.

Manifestations of confidence issues tend instead to show in nervousness, clumsiness, indirect speech or even speech impediments. Do sufferers of symptoms such as these see them as marks of their individuality or as embarrassing qualities they would rather get rid of? Or, more importantly, if given a choice between their lots and that of more confident people would they stay the way they are? If you consider that confidence issues generally translate to feelings of inadequacy about the self it should not be difficult to guess at the answers to these questions.

Through increasing their self-confidence, unconfident people will eventually find themselves overcoming these less desirable tendencies that without a doubt contributed to their insecurity in the first place. As a consequence they will find that other people are prone to notice or listen to them more than they did before. As confidence is a key trait in determining the attractiveness of the individual both as a friend and as a romantic interest they will most likely also find that they are more desirable to the opposite sex.

Moreover self-confidence acts as a buffer against psychological problems. Low feelings of self-worth for an extended period of time could potentially develop into full-fledged depression. At that stage it is nigh unto impossible for the individual to overcome their problems by themselves.

Help will almost certainly have to be enlisted from a psychologist or physician, with regular therapy or medication to help the person back to a semblance of normality. Just as bad is if the root of the sufferer's insecurity triggers anxiety to the point of causing aggressive or, worse yet, avoidant behavior. Classified as an anxiety disorder, this condition will almost certainly get progressively worse unless professional counsel is sought.

If not the prospect of good mental health is reason enough, it should be noted that the remedy for any of the aforementioned afflictions, whether psychotherapy or chemotherapy, is costly and may come with unfortunate side effects. Confidence building is on the other hand not only a pursuit that can be carried out individually and independently, but also one that is significantly cheaper than addressing deeper psychological problems.

In short the reasons for confidence building far exceed the quasi-intellectual claim that people should instead change their perceptions of unconfident people. That unconfident people should change their perspectives on themselves is perhaps a better formulation, as such a statement speaks in favor of confidence building by acknowledging a crucial element of it.



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