Skinny Girl Tells Us She Is Fat
This reminds me of the women who exlaim "I am faaaat! usually with an audience. Yeah we all dealt with them especially when we were younger. Girl with barely a pound of extra flesh, tells us, she is FAT and starts on a soliquoy of self-loathing.Ironically, what is sad, is usually these types such as many perky cheerleader types in my high school always made sure to always exclaim this around a group of larger women and out and out fat people. Sometimes it can be about drawing attention to one's self, sometimes really they are caught up in the "I'm too fat" nightmare. What else fuels all the serious eating disorders out there?
I got this article from the cowcake blog..."I'm Fat and I'm Not Okay With It"
She calls her arms fat when they are muscular. Not everyone is meant to have stick arms.
What is sad, is she is a product of this society, one that constantly hammers the weight quotient, for control over women. I mean after all if you have most women caught up in personal vanity, they make better consumers to profit off of. They will sell more failed diets, make-up, special foods, etc. It definitely is part of the poison of this society.
Reading over her story it sounds like she had a mother who was very over-focused on appearances, giving your children nothing but pureed broccoli to eat for a week is NOT OK, and that this has sadly included mocking and worse. Sadly that does happen out there. Fat hatred is the norm for our society, I have friends who have weighed only 140lbs{I wish!} and had programmed parents comment on their "fat butts", "thunder thighs" and the rest. I talked about on this blog, how I was in shock, HOW NORMAL I was at the age of 14, being told at 6 feet tall simply how "horribly obese" I was, and seeing some photo albums and thinking "oh my goodness, I wasn't that far from normal! How could they! I was beautiful!"
Honey, you are NOT FAT!
I'm fat! Not you. When you don't have to worry about your legs rubbing in the middle, you have not entered fat land. You are a normal sized person.
Do yourself a favor, and question what they are telling you. Your family has hang ups about weight that are massive don't get sucked into their abyss! They have women way too focused on their appearance. There are other things in life that are far more important. Free yourself from this stuff.
All I got to say in conclusion, the evil stuff when it comes to obesity and fatness, it goes across the board in suffering even for thin women. There is little reason out there anymore when it comes to fatness or obesity.