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10 Ways To Get Started With Game By Sinn

10 Ways To Get Started With Game By Sinn
" Hey guys for my first article on the Seduction chronicles, I wanted to write to the brand new guys who may need a guiding hand in getting in the game. So without further ado here's 10 things to do to get started in "THE GAME".

1. GET A NEW HAIRCUT. This doesn't have to be expensive, but the psychological ramifications of shedding your old look can't be overstated. The first thing you should do is find a gay hairstylist. For the most part female hairstylists will cute your hair to make you look safe, whereas a gay guy will cut it to make you look sexy. Don't try to control what he does, just let him go to town. You'll now also have a new way of looking at yourself when you see your new haircut in the mirror.

2. LEARN TO MAKE EYE CONTACT. Head out to the mall on a Saturday morning and practice walking around, making eye contact and saying "HI" to strangers. It doesn't matter if they're guys, girls whatever. We're working on learning to hold eye contact. The more comfortable you become with making eye contact, the better you'll do.

3. DONT READ SO MUCH. It can be VERY tempting to try to learn everything you can about game as soon as you find out about the community. Don't. All you need in the beginning is an opener. Make sure that you spend at least 4 times as much time out in the field as you do reading. That means for every hour of reading, you're in field for 4 hours.

4. RECORD YOUR SUCCESS AND FAILURES. You can do this with an audio recorder if that's legal in your state Or you can simply write down what happened whne you come home. You should focus on a few things. First, how many women did you approach? You want to make sure that you write down a simple description of what you material you used, what her reaction was and how the interaction ended. This is a vital part of getting good, as you'll start to notice patterns when you see the same thing written down over and over again.

5. WORK ON YOUR BODY LANGUAGE. There is NO such thing as " SUPER ALPHA" body language. Instead you want to focus on looking comfortable and taking up enough space. Bad body language generally breaks down into on of two categories. Not taking up enough space, or taking up too much space. If you look relaxed and comfortable with no nervous twitches, you have good body language.

6. SET A SCHEDULE FOR GOING OUT. Make sure that you figure out what venues have the types of girls you like in them, and then plan some time to go there EVERY week. Look at going out to meet girls the same way you would look at going to the gym. You have a workout schedule where you're going to go to the gym( Wherever you want to meet women) and do specific exercises to work on parts of your game.

7. START ASKING FOR PHONE NUMBERS EVERY TIME YOU TALK TO A NEW WOMAN. This is a great way to work on your phone game. Phone game is a separate skillset in and of itself, and as such needs to be practiced by itself. To do that you need to get a lot of phone numbers. Plus you'll get practice at pushing your interactions farther, which is a good skill to develop for later.

8. DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP. This is key. You have to recognize that there is no hurry to get good at this stuff and that you have the rest of your life to learn it. Be honest with yourself about where you need work, but make sure that you compare yourself to where you are coming from not where you eventually want to be. Or even worse where others are.

9. GET COMFORTABLE TOUCHING STRANGERS. This is a huge piece of the game as well. I have found that the more educated a student is, the more trouble they have with touching. Touching is on of the things that you can practice all the time. Get used to becoming a "TOUCHY" guy. Touch the barista at Starbucks on the shoulder, touch your friends on the arm to emphasize points, etc... Make sure that you get used to touching everyone you speak to in a comfortable way.

10. HAVE FUN! This is the MOST important thing when it comes to meeting women. If talking to you is not more fun than anything else she could be doing at the time, why does she want to talk to you? Fun trumps everything else. You can be de-selected by women, a loser of men and a destroyer of loved ones, but if women have fun with you, you'll be successful.

Til next time,


Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Ron Louis - How To Succeed With Women

Steve Carter - How To Get Girls Understand What They Are Thinking

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