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Dear Bossip I Love My Girl And I Enjoy Other Women I Just Want My Cake And Eat It Too


Everywhere do I start? I'm a 37 meeting old lesbian. I peculiar been with my girlfriend for 2 time.

I love her very a lot and don't want to lose her. Here's the problem: I like talking to complementary people, too. I flirt a lot, so I meet people and talk to them and hang out with them at times and this is first and foremost to the same degree I want to knot my ego.

In shape, she twitch out once prior every time we went out of town and the girl called me. She got over that at the back of a lot of petitioning. A couple of months ago we were leave-taking by way of some hard times. So, I went to a chat line and met a couple of people that I was talking to to the same degree we were not getting inoperative. I prepared up telling her about the complementary two people that I had befriended.

We talked about it and understood we were leave-taking to try and get it back on hound. So, something was leave-taking good, but I modest talking to the complementary women. In shape, one night one of them sent me a sexy pic. I was nod off so my girl got my give a call and went by way of it and seen the silver screen and texts. So, now I'm in the dog keep on.

She told me to stop talking to them. The dynamic is I don't want to, but I told her I would. She called this lady and confronted her. But, what she doesn't get the picture is that I went to see this lady and hung out with her. Selected stuff happened, but not all the way. But, every when moreover I want to see her a** and I wanna go all the way, but I don't wanna f**k up my home. So, it's hard for me not to talk to the side girl, but I don't want my girl to put. I want them apiece. So, what necessity I do. I want my cake and eat it too. - Backup Dipping

Honey MS. Backup Dipping,

Why are you in a relationship? Incurably. Why?

You don't love or respect your girlfriend. You don't want to be with her, and you don't want to be in a unfaltering relationship. That's the given and you need to be honest with yourself about this.

Yearning new-fangled person intentionally, and the continuous fraudulence and deceit you do to them shows that you are pitiless, septic tank, and spiteful. If you loved somebody, all the more the person you are in a relationship with, moreover you wouldn't do the stuff that you are statute to them. You wouldn't put them by way of all this the stage and deceit just to direct your ego.

You are inconsiderate, infantile, silly, and small. You are assembly up talking about you need to direct your ego by flirting and talking and hanging out with complementary people exterior of your relationship. Uhm, get a dog. Get you a damn pet if you are need that a lot damn attention. Ole silly a** abruptly girl.

But, you are a narcissist. You don't care about part in addition but yourself. You don't care who you discomfort, and how you treat them so long as you direct your damn enormous a** ego. Your low self-esteem ain't about -ish a** need to go peculiar undeniable places.

No one is about to direct your ego and make you feel good about yourself. No one is about to network your self-indulgences to the same degree you lack the ability to find your own power, given, love, and happiness. If you are not happy with yourself, and you are that derisory period you need to use complementary people to make you feel good, moreover you need to be in analysis, and find out the real intent why you can't be relaxed, and who discomfort you, and help to resolve the abate that has unfriendly your emotional and mental well-being.

Your girlfriend doesn't earn what you are statute to her. She doesn't earn how you treat her, and what you are constantly statute to her. If you can't be on your doorstep, monogamous, and honest, moreover get out of the relationship. Austerely date, be single, and peculiar fun. Plunge committing to relationships every time you can't be on your doorstep and true.

What's sad is that you can't committed be on your doorstep and honest, and true to yourself. You constantly lie to yourself, and tirade your own self. The first relationship, and the real relationship with yourself is earlier than dispirited. For that reason, it's impossible for you to be in a relationship with somebody in addition.

In the neighborhood is the line of reasoning for you to grow up, be mature, and be honest with yourself and your girlfriend. Requisition the given, and be honest about who you are, why you can't be on your doorstep and monogamous, and relatively than honor to discomfort her and wear down your relationship, it's best you apiece go your specific ways so that you can work on you, unite yourself, and build your self-esteem without using complementary people. Communicate is a real spirit slaughter you are experiencing, and no one, no person, no body can family that void and futility you are experiencing. You need to find a spiritual home, do a lot of prayer, and read some self-help books. Get into analysis, and talk with somebody. You're painful to the same degree only discomfort people discomfort complementary people. Handle yourself, and you will unite your life. - TERRANCE DEAN

Hey Bossip Fam, what do you think? Talk your opinions and attend to below! In the same way, speak to all your questions Terrance Dean: LOVEANDRELATIONSHIPS@BOSSIP.COM Map Terrance Dean on Twitter: @terrancedean and "To the same degree" Terrance Dean on Facebook, snap "HERE! "

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