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Online Dating Talking Tips

Online Dating Talking Tips


You might think that having a conversation with someone that you have met on an online dating site will be easy but the fact of the matter is, in some respects it can be so much harder. There are so many personality traits that you might like about yourself that you will struggle to portray in messages sent online and not only that but messages can be so easily misunderstood to make way for some rather awkward moments! There are a few tips that you can use when you are talking to your new potential online date and the sooner you put these into practice, the easier you will find your online dating experience to be.

Make sure that you don't talk about your ex at least for the first few conversations. Talking about your ex could say to a new potential partner that you are not quite over him or her and there is nothing less attractive than someone that is so mean about an ex-partner that you can't quite help but think "Crazy!" Leave the ex's alone!

Don't try to rush things with your new potential online date. Take your time, get to really know them and just have a little bit of fun. If you want to flirt, flirt and if you don't, then don't! Ask questions, actually listen (or read) what they have to say back and just let the conversation flow freely.

Last but certainly not least, don't ever be negative when talking online to a new date. This is not an attractive feat for anyone and the more negativity you bring into the conversation, the less likely you are going to bring this relationship from an online one to a "real" life one.


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