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Omg I Love Him Now What

Omg I Love Him Now What
Yes, it appears that men and women do come from sometimes opposing beliefs on love and relationships. There are masses of books and websites promoting these differences that show and tell women how to feel and behave to catch and keep "their man."

Tampering, yes! "Behave this way," is really saying manipulate so you get what you think you want. Do you see that as a powerful and loving way to begin a lasting, devoted relationship? Is misrepresentation the way to magnetize a partner who adores you?

Honey, if he's not attracted to you as you truly are, including your outer shell, then it doesn't work. But, you say, "I think I have fallen in love with him even though he is often a jerk." Now what?

He might be drinking too much, breaking his promises, wanting to party with the guys often, refusing to help with household chores, unwilling to spend and save according to your budgets, yelling and putting you down and so on. These are blasting warning signs-signaling you to get over yourself. That's not love... that's needing to be loved and wanting it so badly that you put up with "crap."

As women, we have been taught that we are "less than" men, that we have to fight for equality. It has been engrained in us that it is necessary for us to compromise and give and give in order to have rewarding relationships. Women have been traditionally programmed to be "pleasers" to every one else. Even though femininity has come a long way, today, even in the corporate world, women with identical skills as their male counterparts earn less. Women are even excluded as priests in some religions.

What if we women were to start putting ourselves first and become the love and validation we have been seeking? Some might call us selfish, however the correct term is empowered! As empowered women, we say no to everyone and everything when we choose and it's in our best interest. Empowered women speak our truth. We continually ask ourselves questions.

Some questions might be: How would I really like to spend my day?

Would doing this "add to my joy?

Would buying this help or hinder my current money situation?

How can I be more kind and loving?

What am I refusing to see in this relationship that if I saw would give me greater awareness and clarity?

Does he contribute to my life and help to make it greater?

Is now the time to stay or leave this relationship, job, neighborhood?

What judgments do I have that keep me from receiving more?

In this way, we empowered women learn to love ourselves first and absolutely. (Then we actually have more to give, if we deliberately decide to, because we can't give what we do not possess.) Empowered women seldom choose partners that don't add to our lives and uplift us. We become the love we have always desired and we create the space for our loving partner to show up. He becomes the reflection of our own love of self and willingness to receive lots more love.

So now what, empowered woman... are you willing to receive it all?

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