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Pua Material Summariesreviews Daygame Blue Print Module 2 Part 2 Summary

Pua Material Summariesreviews Daygame Blue Print Module 2 Part 2 Summary

So the daygame guys suggest

* Assumption stories

* building up on the assumptions that you are making on the capture, her dress, her vibe, her walk,... these lead into the future regarding the both of you

* challenging

* don't just agree with all that they say, you should be opinionated... for example if they say "this t-shirt is arty" then you say "oh no not really seems like you could wear it at home"...
* but don't go challenge her on everything and overdo it. but do it earlier on... if you keep doing it, it seems like too much investment... let her want you more...

* push/pull

* crucial element.. keep her guessing.. if you are interested or not
* with the modelling example, you say, you could have never told you were a model, since the model industry has so many people... you show you are still interested in the conversation,
* this is also shown in the body language...

* so you just lean in for a bit then step away, in a bar, like you ask something and then when they answer you lean in for a it gives a doubt in her head

* How can you tell if she is attracted, say 5 minutes into a conversation?

* because she is still there
* giving detailed answers

* knowledge

* genuine knowledge... for example, if you have been to a country or place that she is from.. etc... or if you know knowledge of areas around her.

* self-amusement

* I am there for my self, my vibe is detached.

They mentioned some good points

* After FIVE HOURS MINIMUM of "Gaming" you will eventually get completely into the zone, and by the end you will have 2 solid hours of game.
* attraction is based on getting to the girl's emotions and being memorable
* you actually want someone who will be cautious like "who are you, why should I be talking to you"
* "what do you do for fun"
* he talked about "gaining pounds" with a model... most guys wouldn't be that ballsy.
* when you challenge them, they will try and justify themselves
* hey I thought I'd take the initiative and say hello
