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Mystery Pua Chronicles Part 2

Mystery Pua Chronicles Part 2
Hey everyone, continues it's investigation into the man the New York Times calls the world's greatest Pick-up Artist (PUA) Mystery.

Now something I can't underscore enough is how surprised, astonished, and even a little bit "freaked out "I felt the first time I entered Mystery's world.

Here's the scoop:

In part 1 of the Mystery PUA chronicles I gave a bit of the background as to how I met Mystery and gave some of the details that intrigued me about Mystery when I first met him in the summer of 2004 in Los Angeles

Back then I didn't really imagine I'd be tapping away the Mystery PUA chronicles out on my laptop.

In fact, it's undeniable the impact Mystery has had on me and so many other men" and "women.

Part of the spirit of the Mystery PUA chronicles isn't just to shed light on the insider scoop, so that you can watch over my shoulder as I've investigated certain "interesting characters" like the ever interesting Mystery.

But the other part is to share the geniuine impact these folks have had on my life both because I have learned to subscribe to Ronald Reagan's ideal that "If you don't care who gets the credit, you can accomplish anything", but also because it's exciting for me to share the glimpse I got into the shocking character that Erik von Markovic, the Harry Houdini of pick-up, conjures as his greatest magic trick.

Anyways, back to the rundown on Mystery's world.

One of the things that Mystery had discovered in his dozen years picking up girls, and teaching and inspiring other guys to do the same (both pick up girls AND teach other guys how to "do" this seemingly lost art) was that you can't do the same thing as everybody else and succeed.

That included your "avatar."

Your avatar, Mystery would explain to me years before James Cameron's blockbuster movie, is the image you conjure in other people's perspective, and the meaning that image has for them.

Something that Mystery constantly conveyed to me in our encounters was his persistent fascination with individuals.

You see, it turns out that the very same discomfort I felt at Eben Pagan's (David DeAngelo from Double your Dating) event because of all of the guys dressedwell, like Mystery with all sorts of chains and gothic flair-meets Billy Idol.

But I could see a layer deeper.

Years in strategy and marketing taught me that folks tend to make the mistake of copying surface moves, instead of zeroing in on the deeper reasons why.

In the case of Mystery's avatar I suddenly got it. He was "trying "to unsettle people.

I'll talk about why in my next post. (Plus exclusive Mystery video from my vault: coming soon.)

It's all happening,

Mike Long

P.S. For more information about Mystery and I go to where we share the strategies we use for high value relationships. (And where we've helped thousands of guys just like Mystery, you and I boost their results radically with attractive women.)

P.P.S. Here's the Mystery's Magnum Opus Report. which Mystery and I put together, where we explain a bunch more of the behind the scenes things with Mystery and certain PUA exploits